Today (15.04.2015) Wednesday Danvanthri Pedam, Sri Danvanthri Oldage Home Innoguration Ceremony Held By Airing
Vellore district, Vallajapet , Danvathri pedam provides the services like Yoga and natural clinical research center, Meditation Hall, Herb Forests, Cow care, Annadhanam and Worshippers. In addition to these, to protect the oldage people, Sri Danvanthri Arogya pedam innogurating a oldage home of 3000 sq.ft with all amenities ,well Ventilated , well spacious home with a good natural environment.Sri Danvanthri Oldage Home innogurated today 15.04.2015 wednesday between 9.00AM to 10.00AM in a great manner.This ceremony started with the blessings of kayilai Gnanakuru Dr. Sri Muralitharan Swamiji, with the music of Dharmapuri , Isaiarasu R.Venkatachalaphy, Nadhaswaram and Thirumathi Nirmala Muralidharn lightened the kuthuvilakku.
Also Andra pradesh state vijayawada, Saiva Seththira Pedadhipadhi Sri Sivasamy, Annaikattu MLA Mr M.Kalaiarasu M.Com., are participated and innogurated. In this ceremony Chennai Doctor Mr. R.Rengarajan, MD., and also others participated and graced.,Said the Danvanthri Family.