Bestower of the boons of penance - LORD DATTAATREYAR
Lord Dattaatreya incorporates the trinity of the Hindu pantheon. Lord
Dattaatreya is the remover of mental anxieties. He anchors a person,
removing doubt and vacillation. He is also Sri Karthaveeryarjuna's guru.
When the time came for Lord Dattaatreya to be taken to the original
temple, Swamigal decided to go to Pune, where the shrine of Adi
Dattaatreya is situated. From Pune he travelled to Shirdi since Shirdi
Baba is believed to be the incarnation of Lord Dattaatreya. As part of
the karikolam, he took the Dattaatreya idol to Podhigai Malai. The road
was in rough terrain and Swamigal had no road maps. As he decided to
walk, asking the route along the way, he noticed that a dog walked along
with him from Kuttralam to Podhigai Malai, showing Swamigal the way.
What does Lord Dattaatreya give you? Lord Dattaatreya is the giver of
the 64 skills that a human can master. Maha Meru also grants the same.
Thus, Lord Dattaatreya is on par with the Maha Meru.
Lord Dattaatreya relieves one of mental anxiety. To his devotees just the call of "Datta" stabilises a vacillating mind.
Mental anxiety begets ailments, so 'Datta must be here in my healing
centre', says Swamigal. Lord Dattaatreya also bestows the boons of
The Dattaatreya idol is made of green stone. The four dogs on the
pedestal symbolize the four Vedas. The Govardhana Kamadhenu stands
behind Him. Swamigal had already decided that Lord Dattaatreya would be
installed here, as Lord Kaartheevarayarjuna was already in residence.
As always, call it coincidence or divine intervention, a real estate
broker came to offer thanks at the centre for curing his sister of a
serious illness.
He offered to fund Lord Dattaatreya's installation, and Swamigal's vision fructified.
Sri Dattatreya (8.00a.m to 10.00a.m)
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