Guru of knowledge appropriate to current times - KARTHIGAI KUMARAN
Lord Murugar is depicted here as Karthikeya Kumara. He has been included
to show the world that one ought not to differentiate between the
biological mother and a foster mother.
The six kannis who took care of Lord Muruga are placed at the base of
the pedestal. They are depicted as showing the child objects that
mothers show children when feeding them, such as the sun, the moon, the
lotus, the peacock, the javelin, and the milk bowl used to feed the
Lord Muruga is reckoned as a gyana guru. It is a firm belief that where
there are siddhars, Lord Muruga will dwell, as He is the guru for all
A chance vision of the gopuram of a Lord Muruga temple as he was
contemplating whether Lord Muruga or the siddhars should be installed
first, resolved Swamigal's dilemma: Lord Muruga's installation preceded
that of the 468 siddhars.
Praying to Lord Muruga helps deal with the issues that arise with regard
to an adopted child. The psychological ailments that stem from the
yearning felt at the absence of a child or a mother are also addressed
Sri Karthikai Kumaran (8.00a.m to 10.00a.m)
If you want Abisheka Seva, Vasthira Seva, Flower Seva, Neivedhyam Seva, Pooja- Doopa- Deepa Seva Please Contact us Below
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Email: danvantripeedam@gmail.com,
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