Benefits of Sri satyanarayana Pooja / Homam
This Pooja / Homam performed mainly for obtaining the blessings of Lord Maha Vishnu. It also ensures all the members in the family do not face any problems. In order to maintain general happiness, prosperity and well being of the family.
Sri Sathya Narayana Perumal (8.00a.m to 10.00a.m)
If you want Abisheka Seva, Vasthira Seva, Flower Seva, Neivedhyam Seva, Pooja- Doopa- Deepa Seva Please Contact us Below
Contact: Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam, Anandhalai Madhura, Kilpudupet, Walajapet 632 513, Ranipet Dist. Tamil Nadu, India,
Email: danvantripeedam@gmail.com,
Ph: 04172-230003, 230274, 94433 30203.