Why Garbarakshambigai Homam?
Garbarakshambigai Homam is an invaluable Vedic ritual that invokes the most compassionate and protective Goddess Garbarakshambigai for avoiding miscarriages during pregnancy, ensuring safe delivery and bestowing children. Garbarakshambigai Homam also bestows you with a good life partner and a happy married life.
Who is Garbarakshambigai?
Garbarakshambigai is a divine manifestation of Parvathi Devi, the consort of Lord Shiva, and the embodiment of motherhood. Garba means womb. Raksh means protection. Ambigai means Goddess or Devi. Garbarakshambigai literally means the Goddess who protects the womb. Parvathi Devi incarnated as Garbarakshambigai to protect a child in the womb of Her devotee who was cursed by a sage. Since then, Garbarakshambigai has been protecting expectant mothers and blessing couples with healthy children.
Benefits and significance of Garbarakshambigai Homam
Garbarakshambigai Homam is considered to be the powerful way to seek the blessings and grace of the Devi. For centuries, Garbarakshambigai has been known for bestowing couples with children and ensuring safe delivery. Garbarakshambigai slokas and mantras chanted during the Homam evoke the maternal love of Parvathi Devi so that She takes utmost care of Her devoteesâright from protecting the child in their womb to ensuring safe delivery.
Begetting a healthy child
Garbarakshambigai Homam is a priceless boon to couples who long for an offspring. None but only a mother could understand the joy, the blessings and the complications of being a mother. That is why Garbarakshambigai is the most sought after Goddess for progeny. And Garbarakshambigai Homam is second to none to fulfill your motherly desires.
Avoiding miscarriages and pregnancy problems
True to Her name, Garbarakshambigai has the special power to ensure good health and well being of the expectant mothers. Performing Garbarakshambigai Homam will make Devi's blessings easily available to the pregnant mothers. Also, Garbarakshambigai Homam eliminates the Doshas caused due to the planetary positions.
Finding your perfect life partner
Well, if you are at an early stage of life and searching for a life partner, Garbarakshambigai Homam can help you find your soulmate. Performing Garbarakshambigai Homam and offering prayers to Devi will fulfill your wish of finding your dream partner. Also, Garbarakshambigai Homam can quicken the process of marriage that are delayed due to any Doshas.
Ideal days to conduct Garbarakshambigai Homam
Performing Garbarakshambigai Homam on Panchami Thithi is considered to be highly beneficial.
Assistance from Sri Danvantri Peedam
Our expert Vedic Purohits at Sri Danvantri Peedam can help you perform Garbarakshambigai Homam and win the love and affection of Garbarakshambigai for fulfilling your longing to parent a child and lead a happy married life.
For Homam Details & Price :
Call : +91 94433 30203