Why Ketu Homa?
Ketu is a Nodal planet. It does not own any sign in the natural zodiac. However, it acts as an agent for the owner of the sign in which it is places and also as an agent for the overlord of the star in which it is placed. Ketu when placed in a fiery signs would render a fierce nature and will exploit all subjects with an aggressive thirst of quest.
Often, Ketu is introverted, negating and detached. Ketu can bring positive or negative effects on your life, and this is completely dependent upon its positions in your birth chart! It is unique in the sense that it's always transiting retrograde, indicating Karma from previous lives.
Ketu Homa and the Deity
Ketu brings prosperity and negates bad effects, illnesses etc. He grants you good health, wealth and all round prosperity.
Recommended Timings for Ketu Homa
Ketu Homas can be conducted during Wednesdays and Sundays, especially in the mornings.
Mantra for Ketu Homa
"Om shram shreem shroum sah ketave namah"
Benefits of Ketu HomaSet your standards of livingSwift across the road of diffcultiesSmell the roses of lifeBe the master of trades
For Homam Details & Price :
Call : +91 94433 30203