Why Muruga Homam?
Muruga Homam or Subramaniya Homam is a highly potent Vedic ritual performed to invoke the immensely gracious and easily pleased Lord Muruga, the chief deity of this Homam, for conquering your enemies, ensuring success in all your pursuits, destroy evil forces and lead a happy and prosperous life.
Who is Lord Muruga?
Lord Muruga is the spiritual off spring of Lord Shiva and the embodiment of Kundalini Shakthi. Lord Muruga is six-faced as he represents the six vital chakras in human body. He is considered to be the God of Tamil, an ancient Indian language. He is the presiding deity of Mars and the most dreaded celestial warrior.
Benefits and Significance of performing Muruga Homam
The epic valour and warrior skills of Lord Muruga are illustrious. In the Kurusheshtra war, a woman called Shikandi did penance to Lord Muruga to realise her ambition of killing the mighty warrior Bhisma. Also, in Bhagawad Gita Lord Krishna Himself declares that amongst all the generals, I am Skanda(another name for Lord Muruga), the commander-in-chief of Devas. Muruga Homam is an intensive method of worshipping Lord Muruga to seek His grace and blessings to achieve your desired goal.
Defeating your enemies and emerging victorious
If you want to conquer your enemies and emerge triumphant, Muruga Homam is a sure-fire to make it happen. From business people to politicians to criminal lawyers, anyone who face strong hostility in their personal or professional life can perform Muruga Homam to subdue the opposing forces and ensure success.
Advancing in your material and spiritual life
Muruga Homam can also be called as an all-endowing Homam. Being the Kundalini energy, Lord Muruga removes all the blockages and negativitiesâbe it within or externalâand helps you prosper well in all the aspects of your life. Whether you want success, fame, wealth, love, yogic powers, peace, beauty, health, life partner, progeny or spiritual enlightenment, Muruga Homam has the power to endow them all.
Gain immediate benefits
Lord Muruga is synonymous with speed. Lord Muruga has the quality of being easily pleased, and He responds quickly to your earnest prayers and wishes. So performing Muruga Homam helps you gain immediate resultsâin all your sincere pursuits!
Ideal days to conduct Muruga Homam
All special days for Lord Muruga like Punguni Utt ram, Thai Poosam, Sashti Thithis (that happen during the waxing moon), Tuesdays, etc., are considered to be auspicious and and benefi cial for performing Muruga Homam.
For Homam Details & Price :
Call : +91 94433 30203