Muruga Homam

Muruga Homam

Why Muruga Homa? 
To get rid of litigation and other legal issues, pray to the Lord Muruga/ Subramaniya, who has the power to bless you with a trouble-free life from litigation issues. Conducting Poojas and archanas to him will help invoke his blessings for your trouble-free future ahead. 

Muruga Homa and the Deity 
'Muruga' literally means - The Beautiful One. Where there is beauty, love shines, and where there is love, truth radiates. When we seek the truth, we get freedom. Lord Muruga is a symbol of eternal youth, wisdom and liberation. Muruga is the essence of the Trinity. 'Mu' stands for Mukunda (Vishnu), 'Ru' for Rudra (Shiva), and 'Ka' for Kamala (Brahma), therefore Muruga represents the three divine functions - creation, protection and destruction. 

Speciality of Muruga Homa 
Muruga is the Ruler of Pleiades Constellation. It is said that Pleiades will play as significant role in the evolution of planet earth. Lord Muruga is the epitome of happiness and divine light. Whoever is devoted to him, he blesses them with a blissful body of light. Lord Muruga is the total giver of all aspects (beauty, wealth, authority, wisdom, progeny, vigor and valor) and fulfills all expectations in this materialistic world. He, when worshipped with utmost faith, will answer all your prayers. It is strongly believed that the Lord converses with his ardent devotees. 

Recommended Timings for Muruga Homa 
Shashti Tithis that fall on Tuesdays are preferred to perform Muruga Homa. 

Mantra for Muruga Homa 
"Om Saam Sum Sarvanabavaya Namah" 

Benefits of Muruga Homa 

  • Brings all-round success
  • The energy of Lord Muruga destroys the negative elements
  • Conditions like 'trapped' in debt, relationships and poor health get alleviated
  • Those who desire to win in all their endeavors

Muruga Homa invigorates the lives of:
  • People who are suffering from negative impacts on their lives
  • People who long to attain success in life
  • People who wish to get rid of debts
  • People who want to get rid of hitches in their lives

For Homam Details & Price :

Call : +91 94433 30203

  1. Danvantri Homam
  2. Ganapathi Homam
  3. Navagraha Homam
  4. Lakshmi Homam
  5. Lakshmi Narayana Homam
  6. Lakshmi Hayagriever Homam
  7. Mercury Homam
  8. Moon Homam
  9. Jupiter Homam
  10. Ketu Homam
  11. Rahu Homam
  12. Mars Homam
  13. Saturn Homam
  14. Sun Homam
  15. Venus Homam
  16. Saraswathi Homam
  17. Swayamvara Parvathi Homam
  18. Durga Homam
  19. Subramania Homam
  20. Muruga Homam
  21. Pratyangira Devi Homam
  22. Rudra Homam
  23. Sharaba Homam
  24. Maha Sudharshana Homam
  25. Mrutyunjaya Homam
  26. Sani Santhi Homam
  27. Nakshatra Homam
  28. Santhana Gopala Homam
  29. Bhoo Varaha Homam
  30. Aayushya Homam
  31. Sri Chandi Homam
  32. Bagalamukhi Homam
  33. Sri Suktha Homam
  34. Shiva-Shakti Homam
  35. Maha Kali Homam
  36. Shiva Homam
  37. Sri Gayathri Homam
  38. Sathakshari Homam
  39. Lalitha Homam
  40. Bhadrakali Sahasranama Homam
  41. Durga Sooktha Homam
  42. Hanuman Homam
  43. Garbarakshambigai Homam
  44. Indrakshi Homam
  45. Bhuvaneshwari Homam
  46. Kalabhairava Homam
  47. Kamala Devi Homam
  48. Katyayani Homam
  49. Laghu Rudra Homam
  50. Lakshmi Kubera Homam
  51. Lakshmi Narasimha Homam
  52. Maha Ganapathi Homam
  53. Mangala Gauri Homam
  54. Raja Matangi Homam
  55. Muruga Homam
  56. Shirdi Sai Baba Homam
  57. Shri Vidhya Homam
  58. Tripura Sundari Homam
  59. Uma Maheshwara Homam
  60. Sri Purusha Sooktha Homam
  61. Sri Kartha Veeryaarjunar Homam
  62. Dhakshinamurthy Homam
  63. Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam Homam
  64. Maha Rudhram Homam
  65. Nava Durga Homam
  66. Nikumbala Homam
  67. Soolini Durga homam
  68. Sri Paal Muneeswara Homam
  69. Gandharvaraja Homam
  70. Sathru Samhara homam
  71. Annapurni Homam
  72. Shukra Graha Shanthi Homam
  73. Sri Ashtadikpalakar Homam
  74. Sri Vasavi Homam
  75. Siddhar homam/Guru Homam
  76. Sri Kurma Homam
  77. Sri Sathyanarayana Homam
  78. Thila Homam
  79. Sri Krishna Homam
  80. Sri Dattatreya Homam
  81. Kala Sarpa Dosha Homam
  82. Kamadhenu Pooja and Homam
  83. Sri Ramar Homam
  84. Sri Devi Gayathri Homam
  85. Sri Varahi Homam
  86. Sri Anjaneyar homam
  87. Navadhurga Humam
  88. Satru Samhara Homam
  89. காலாஷ்டமி பைரவர&
  90. காலாஷ்டமி மஹா யா
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