Sathakshari Homam
To seek the blessings of three Devathas-Veda Matha Sri Gayathri Devi, the father of the universe, Bhagavan Parameswara and the mother of universe Sri Devi Durga- this Homam is performed. Sathakshari mantra comprising 100 letters , ( the 100 letterd Saraswathy Manthra) is a prayer to these trios.The eternal is worshipped in the form of Thrayambaka Sadasiva and Santhi Durga Parameswari.Sathakshari Homam is performed on special occasions:birthday, just before major operations to relief from acute pain, Migraine etc.The offerings are: Sandal wood twigs, Red sandal Wood twigs, Boiled raw rice with ghee, Aravana Pyasam, Curd rice , honey , Thri moolm ( jeera,Black Pepper and Indhuppu),Athi chamatha ,ithi chamatha, Peraal chamatha,Chittamrutu, Kusham, Panchamrutham .
For Homam Details & Price :
Call : +91 94433 30203