Sri Vasthu Purusha is that manifestation of the Universal Lord who oversees all matters that involve land and its use. Sri Vaasthu Bhagwan is the God of Earth and has a giant body of eternal earth. He has the centreplace surrounded by the lords of the eight directions.
Read More..In Vellore district, Wallajapet, kilapudupet, Annadhalai Madhura , Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam Kayilai Gnanguru Dr. Muralidhara Swamiji has consecrated Sri Danvantri and other 73 deities, second maha kumbabishegam is going to held on 29.11.15 for all the deities in the peedam. In honor of the kumbabishegam Sri Mahalakhmi yagam, sumangali pooja and giving thirumangalya saradu for 1008 sumangalies festivals are going to held on 27.10.15 Tuesday pournami day at 10.00 A.M in danvantri peedam.
Read More..In Vellore district, Wallajapet, kilapudupet, Annadhalai Madhura ,Danvantri Peedam which was formed to keep up the promise of Kayilai Gnanaguru Dr Sri Muralidhara Swamiji given to his mother. For this Danvantri Arogya Peedam second Maha Kumbabishegam is going to held from 25.11.15 Wednesday (pournami) to 29.11.15 Sunday.
Read More..வேலூர் மாவட்டம், வாலாஜாபேட்டை, கீழ்புதுப்பேட்டையில் 73 பரிவார தெய்வங்கள், 468 சித்தர்களுடன் அமைந்துள்ள ஸ்ரீ தன்வந்திரி ஆரோக்ய பீடத்தின் பீடாதிபதி கயிலை ஞானகுரு டாக்டர் ஸ்ரீ முரளிதர ஸ்வாமிகள் மழை வளம் வேண்டியும், இயற்கைவளம் வேண்டியும், விவசாயிகளின் வாழ்வாதாரம் பெருகவும் வேண்டி, ஆரோக்கியம் வேண்டியும் அக்டோபர் மாதம் 5ம் தேதி திங்கட்கிழமை முதல் 7ம் தேதி மாலை 5.00 மணிவரை திருவண்ணாமலைக்கு 3வது முறையாக பாதயாத்திரை மேற்கொள்கிறார்.
Read More..On account of the avathara (birth) day of Ramalinga Adigalar, known in religious circles as Vallalar for his boundless love for all living and non-living beings, there would be special abhishekam onMonday October 5th 2015, for the idol installed at the Danvantri Arogya Peedam at Walajapet, near Vellore.
Read More..Gandhi Jayanthi Festival: Coming October 2nd on Gandhi Jayanthi, on considering the physical and mental health Kayilai Gnaguru Dr. Muralidhara Swamiji is conducting a special Danvantri homam.
Read More..Arogya yagams are going to held in Sri Mahalakshmi Nursing College, Aarani Road, Vilapakkam village, Arcot circle, Vellore district on September 26th & 27th
Read More..Among all Bhairavars the worship of Swarna Akarshana Bhairavar is considered very superior. This Bairavar is seen in a seated posture with Amudha Kalash in one hand and Sulam in another hand. Goddess Bairavi is seated on the lap of Lord Bairavar. Seeing Lord Bairavar with his consort is very rare.
Read More..Vinayagar Chadhurthi festival is going to held in Vellore district, Walajapet, Danvantri Arogya Peedam on September 17. 12 years back in Danvantri Peedam no where else seen four feet height single stone vinaitheerkum Vinayagar on one side and pinitheerikum Danvantri on other side were consecrated on the simapeedam. Ganapathy homam and Vachakalpadha homam are still underway.
Read More..Homa/Puja on 12th september 2015 Amavasya falls on 12th of september 2015.Amavasya is considered as a special day as there is a natural upsurge of energies in the human body on these days.
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