Recent Past Events

Amavasai (New Moon Day) Special Homams - 20/03/2015

The following informations were given by Gnanaguru Muralidara Swamigal. Special Homams were done on 20/03/2015 at Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam, Walajapet. Siddhar Sri Vallalar Arulmani Swamigal participated in this special homam. Annadhanam (Free Meals) was also done. Sri Arulmani Swamigal took part in Annadhanam. Many devotees participated in this function.

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Nithyamangala Sandi Yagam - 09/03/2015

The above yagam was done at 4pm on 09/03/2015. Dr.Muralidhara Swamigal narrated the good features of this yagam. Protection from natural calamities like earthquake, cyclone and family problems like lack of mutual understanding and co-operation among the husband and wife; enemies will perish, getting peace of mind, vamsavruththi (growth in heredity), relief from court cases and imprisonment, etc.

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Special Puja for Sri Prityankara Devi - 05/03/2015

On the auspicious occasion of Sri Prathyangara Devi Concreation on 5th March 2015, special puja with pongal was conducted at Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam, Wallajapet on 27th February 2015 and more functions are going on...

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Sri Pratyangira Devi Maha Kumbabhishekam and Nava Sandi Yagam - 05/03/2015

In Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam, Walajapet, Vellore District, on 05.03.2015 at 10.30AM Maha Kumbabhishekam was performed.

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In Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam, special Sadasandi Yagam was conducted for people CM Dr. J. Jayalalitha on account of her 67th birthday. - 05/03/2015

On 05.03.2015 Thursday morning, 4.00 am to 9.00 pm, at Vellore district, Walajapet, Kilpudupet, for the welfare of the people, to celebrate the birth anniversary of former Tamil Nadu CM Puratchi Thalaivi Amma and also for Maasi Maham Pournami....

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Sagala Devatha Gayathri Homam - 27/02/2015

On 27.02.2015, in Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam, Wallajapet, Sagala Devatha Gayathri Homam was conducted.Students who participated in this puja were also offered with stationaries for free by Dr.Sri Muralidhara Swamigal.

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Ragavendirar 420th Jayanthi - 26/02/2015

The above Jayanthi function was celebrated at 10Am on 26/02/2015. Panchamirtha Abishekam was done to Sri Ragavendrar and homam was also done. Many devotees participated in this function. Prasadams were given to all.

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Brahma Homam Functions and Polio Drops - 22/02/2015

Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevar homam, Sri Saraswathy homam and Sri Brahmma homam were done for the benefit of the students who were going to appear in the ensuing public examinations, to have good relationship between students and teachers, to respect the teachers, to have confidence to meet the problems, etc.

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Saraswathi Homam - 22/02/2015

On 22.02.2015 by 10am – 1pm, Sri Lakshmi Hayagriever Homam, Sri Saraswathi Homam & Sri Bramma Homam will be held at Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam, Ananthalai Madura, Kilpudhupet, Walajapet, Vellore District .

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