Akshaya Tritiyai Special Homam

Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam is performed to invoke Goddess Sri Lakshmi Devi and Lord Kubera, the chief deities of this endowing ritual, for accumulating wealth, eliminating debts, solving financial troubles and gaining financial stability.
Sri Lakshmi is the divine consort of Maha Vishnu and the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Lord Kubera is the divine treasurer of Sri Lakshmi Devi's wealth. It is only through Lord Kubera, Sri Lakshmi Devi distributes Her wealth and riches to Her devotees. The specialty of Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam is that the wealth you accumulate by performing this ritual will stay and grow with you.
Those who are involved in business or are facing financial problems may perform this Homam to receive the blessings and grace of Goddess Sri Lakshmi will invoke riches dispelling any curse or obstacle in obtaining the same. It is one of the most powerful homa for wealth and prosperity. It is performed for faster recovery of dues. It is performed to please the adhipathi (king) of wealth and prosperity.
Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam Performing Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam will ensure that you will be financially successful and materially prosperous. This Homam will present you with new opportunities and legitimate ways to make money. So whatever be your profession or career, Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam will bring new avenues to multiply your income. There is nothing more stressful than not being able to pay off your loans. The reasons for debts may not always be the result of your actions in the present life. There could even be Karmic causes behind your financial obligations. Performing Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam can dissolve those Karmic issues and will drastically change your financial situation. Then, you too can pay off your debts and lead a stress-free life.
Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam has the power to enable you to attract more wealth through legitimate means. Worshipping Sri Lakshmi Devi along with Her deputy Kubera ensures that you will never get into any financial troubles and your bank balance will always be on the rise. Sri Lakshmi Kubera Homam yields best results when performed on Fridays, Pournami days, Akshaya Tritiya, Chaturthi, Chaturdasi, and Panchami Thithis.
Benefits of Akshaya Tritiya Homam
The two most powerful energies of the cosmos, the Sun and the Moon, taking up their most powerful positions is surely a great time to soak in their energies. It is the day of Akshaya Tritiya.
The Sun is exalted in the sign Aries. The Moon will be exalted in the sign of Taurus and planet Venus will also be there along with the Moon. Taurus is ruled by Venus. The position of Venus and the Moon forms Malavya Yoga, a combination that brings immense wealth and comforts along with power and authority.
Mahalakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and comforts. She is also the overlord for the planet Venus. Appeasing her and Venus this day will help you attract wealth creating energies.
Presence of Ketu in the 11th house to the Moon indicates that the donations done on this day will be very much blessed by the Gods and will turn into good karma for the donors. The good effect of donating to the needy will get multiplied many times over.
In astrology, the Sun represents our soul and the Moon is our mind. When these energies take their places of exaltation, it definitely creates a powerful impact on our abilities that is why the day is considered the best day for initiating into any purposeful ventures. Connect with these energies on Akshaya Tritiya and create a life filled with love and abundance.
The ancient mystics of India who were experts in analyzing how astronomical phenomena impacts our life on earth had identified that third lunar day of the bright half of Vaishaka month knows the secret of Non-Declining Wealth. It is said that on this day even if you meditate on the concept of wealth that never declines, you can establish a permanent link with the wealth attracting energies. Tamil version

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