On May 3, 2015, Chitra pournami day, 468 siddhar yagam with Saptha Rishi pooja

Siddhas are the great treasures of our nation. They are also known as siddha, Mahan, Gnani, Rishi. They are the exponent of god. It is true that the siddhas are one step ahead of god in giving blessings to devotees and possessing them. Sometimes God make the siddhas to do his duties too. There are some examples for this in our spritual books. So only, participating in siddha's jeeva samadhis, worshipping brindhavans, guru poojas give us a great fortunate to us. Worshipping a single siddha itself a fortunate means worshipping 468 siddhas in sivalinga form gives us a great fortune in this kali yug. By worshipping these siddhas, Kayilai Gnanaguru Dr Muralidhara swami helping the devotees to upgrade their life.
Our swamiji itself is called as "Vedikkai Siddhar" . This vedikkai siddhar travelled all over TamilNadu and India and went to more than 300 siddha's jeeva samadhi. There he worshipped siddha's ashtanaggal, avadhar places. From there he took sand and kept that sand under the siva lingam, which increases the power of the lingam. An adhiruthra maha yagam was held for 15 days before placing 468 lingas in the peedam.
In Danvantri peedam, Mahans like Shiradi Saibaba, Sri Ragavendhirar, Kanchi Maha periyavar, Maha Avadhar Babaji, Kulandhaiyanadha Maha Swamiji, Seshathiri Swamiji,Gowthama Buddha, Gurunanak, Bhagavan Ramanar, Sri Ramakrishna Pramahamsar, Veerabhramangaru, Sri Agasthiyar, Mahaveer are placed and worshipped daily. On the special days special homams and joint prayers will be performed in front of the devotees.
To get the blessings from siddhas and Mahans, on 03.05.2015, Chitra Pournami day, a yagna was conducted with Herbs, Fruits and Flowers. One who participate in this yagam and guru pooja will get the material abundance, and spiritual prosperity in our life .Without Guru's grace nothing is possible. Credit problems, career problems, marriage barriers, child barriers, job barriers, intimate sex barriers, pithuru doshas, naga doshas, etc. get eradicated by participating in this yagam.
Scholars and saints from different parts of the country are coming to this peedam from the day which these 468 siddhas are got pradhishtai. This place has got luck to get the rays of these saints. The saints coming here may be one of the 468 siddhas. More than 500 siddhas, holy men, saints participated in this yagam and spreaded their rays to the people. The siddhas adventing each and everyday of this yagam are cheif guest of the particular day. They are the siddha avadhars. To solicit and to get blessings from these saints, Kaiyilai Gnanaguru swamiji thanked all who participated in this yagam.
Saptha Rishi Pooja :
Saptha Rishis are functioning this earth from eight directions. Out of this, 7 rishis are saptha rishis and Parameshwaran is the eighth Rishi. Saptha rishi understands the resolution of birth and directs the navagrahas. They calculate the karmas of birth by considering the individuals devotion, yoga and wisdom. By worshipping these saptha rishis, we can eradicate our previous birth bad factors. We will get material abundance and spiritual prosperity. This sapta rishi poojas are performed everyday in Kasi Viswanathar temple during night time. Like this, in our Arogya peedam also, 468 siddhas are considered as lingas and saptha rishis are worshipping them with guru pooja. In this spiritual place and swamiji's guru (parents) remembrance day, this Maheshware puja was conducted well and swamiji thanked one and all who participated in this puja.


    Tamil version

Contact Details
Sri Danvantri Arogya Peedam, Anandhalai Madhura, Kilpudupet, Walajapet 632 513, Ranipet Dist. Tamil Nadu, India, Email: danvantripeedam@gmail.com, Ph: 94433 30203.
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